Children (Infant - 6th grade)
Our children are incredibly important to us, and we are dedicated to training them up in the way of the Lord, ensuring they have a strong foundation in their faith that will carry them throughout their lives. We spend time teaching about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in ways that are easy for them to understand. Each child participates in age-appropriate learning activities that make learning engaging and enjoyable.
We offer Sunday School classes, Sunday morning nursery services for ages 0-3, and special events throughout the year like:
- Community Easter Celebration
- Vacation Bible School
- Fall Festival
- Christmas Program
Sunday Service: Children of all ages are welcomed and encouraged to sit in our Sunday worship services. We love hearing the sound of children in our congregation; it’s a sign that the Lord has blessed us with a new generation to train up in His way. There are rocking chairs in the Sanctuary for parents if necessary.
Sunday Nursery Care: The nursery is staffed with volunteers to care for children ages 0-3 (exceptions are made as necessary). Our nursery only has volunteers during Sunday morning worship and Sunday School. If you’re comfortable, feel free to leave your child with our caring volunteers. If you’d prefer to stay with your child, that’s okay, too!
Wednesday Nights: After the Wednesday night meal, children ages 3-12 meet in the church sanctuary before breaking off into age groups to further learn and apply the lesson with activities, games, and discussion.
Wednesday Night Nursery: Please note that we do not have designated nursery care for Wednesday nights, but it is open for parents/family members to use. Typically, moms and dads take turns staying with their kiddos.
Friendly Reminder: If your child is unable to stay in class during Sunday School or on Wednesday night, their teacher will request that you stay and help your child in class or sit with them in another area so that the teacher can adequately teach and supervise all the children in their care. Our teachers are appreciative of your support and understanding.
We look forward to nurturing your child’s spiritual growth and helping them develop a lasting relationship with God.
For more information see Laura Carpenter.